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dBias Lab Report: Exploring Barriers to Financial Well-Being

Prepared and presented by dBIAS LAB LLC, and in collaboration with The Prosp(a)rity Project. Our report examines and unravels the financial struggles of Black women in the United States. 


"The research findings indicate that Black women start their careers with a
significant financial handicap due to higher student loan debt, making it harder for
them to build wealth and stability [...] However, despite these challenges, they demonstrate remarkable resilience and determination to learn and improve their financial situations, and moreover, share the learnings with others in their communities.


Click below to read the full report! 

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dBIAS LAB is a behavioral science research and advisory firm with a

mission to ampl ify voices of women and foster inclusive decision-
making. For more information, visit & If your firm is

interested in col laborating with us, reach out to


The Prosp(a)rity Project is a non-profit organization with a mission to resolve
student loan crisis by level ing the socioeconomic playing field for Black

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